Monday, May 9, 2011

30 - Its a Knockout

My thoughts on the Royal Wedding and what i believe they were thinking at the time..

29 - Wish you were here

I produced these postcards specifically for young adult holidaying on their own, or for specific holiday destinations that are often frequented by this market. They are a set of postcards designed to mae "breaking the news" easier for young adults, regarding pregnency and STI's. I wanted them to look quite simple and professional as they are more medical than trying to advertise a particular area.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

28 - Iconoclastic Plastic

When i think of an icon i think of religion so thats what i wanted to do... a shrine! I chose a remote control because i think generally people use them a lot and you oftenhear about peole saying how they have to argue over the remote and well i dont think they get enough recognition.

I made the little remote pendant but i wanted to put it together with other objects that would back the idea up. 

27 - UEL Feature Shop part 2

The trailer for my blockbuster. This is the first video that i have shot and edited myself. I was a bit annoyed about the quality of my camera for filming but im pleased with the overall video. And of course the big trailer music!!