Friday, December 31, 2010

16 - Tokyo Wolf
Make contact with someone form tokyo doing graphic design....

I produced my pack however i have still not made contact with anyone on Japan!! ..
This is the 4th pound coin i made....

21 - EGGstreme Sports...

2 designs of a poster for the new craze thats sweeping the nation....EGGSTREME SPORTS!!

18 - Reasearch musts 5 Artists, 5 Photographers, 5 Designers, 5 Illustrators...

Loads of new artists i liked and hadn't heard of before ...

14 - Snow Joke

I made this snowman and used the photo of it and superimposed it onto a photo of me in my car...

15 - The Perfect Crime

This is the perfect crime because while i was working i remembered and wrote down all the customer's pin numbers. (Shhhh). No one suspected the kind, smiling checkout operator...

13 - I Like Psych

 This is the essay i wrote. It is everything about me and felt like therapy while i was writing it.
I then had to come up with i way of artworking the essay. I thought that as i was writing it i was revealing secrets about myself so i thought of a wall of all of my secrets...

This is my favourite image and the one in my porfolio...

12 - Girl??

The shape of the girl was taken from a photograph. The photo was serious looking so i made the girl do other things like mowing the lawn, having a massage and metal detecting!..

11 - Wing of a Bee

Wing of a Beeutifly...

Aech wing of this beautiful butterfly had been artworked ina different way... One drawn, one drawn on the computer wiht Adobe Illustrator.

10 - Excuses, Excuses

 "I don't have to work becasue it was thrown away"...

Visualising the excuse

These are ideas i had about how the excuses should look. I liked the idea of having them literally going into or out of the bin and using the 3D letterforms. However i was not sure if it involved too much other illustrative elements so below is another i dea i had ... 

This is the final image i decided upon.. i liked the composition and decided it looked good with the other illustrative elements!