Tuesday, April 26, 2011

28 - Iconoclastic Plastic

When i think of an icon i think of religion so thats what i wanted to do... a shrine! I chose a remote control because i think generally people use them a lot and you oftenhear about peole saying how they have to argue over the remote and well i dont think they get enough recognition.

I made the little remote pendant but i wanted to put it together with other objects that would back the idea up. 

27 - UEL Feature Shop part 2

The trailer for my blockbuster. This is the first video that i have shot and edited myself. I was a bit annoyed about the quality of my camera for filming but im pleased with the overall video. And of course the big trailer music!!

27 - UEL Feature Shop part 1

This is the story/mood board for my film, One New Message. The idea is that following the reccesion and change of government, people are becoming more controlled. They are told where to work, train and live in order to improve efficiency at work. The film is about the government imposing a new law where people are not allowed to speak in public and if caught they are put into forced labour wherever the government chooses, and the only means of comunication in public is through messaging people using their I.D. numbers. However more and more people are getting taken away and the main charcter, Owen gets in cocntact with a group of activists that are trying to bring the government down. So with a little help from someone who noone knows in the inside they plan to assisinate key members or the government, including the Prime minister.

25 - Music Video ,Constanza, Dream project

This was my drream project ............

Our music video. Robot, played by Jamie, Girl/soul played by me, Camera work, editing by Francessco. Enjoy

24 - Mile High Type Club

I used my connections to get hold of a boat and some people to drive it, my brother stepped up, and told them that i wanted to them to drive the boat making the shape of a letter, i had some suggestions and fonts printed off but left it up to them. They went off and 3- 4 hours later they came back with "NICE PRICK". Very pleased with the result and the fact that they letter covered about a 9 mile area!!

23 - Justin Bieber, No Fear

Im not a fan so found out loads (a tiny bit) about him and i thought id do something to upset all those little girl fans...

22 - Anarchy in the Uk

This is the artwork for my pub band of alcoholics,  "Wasted".

Album coaver and back

 Single cover and back

Casette cover

 Casette inlay
 On tape graphics

Band poster